
24.491 19.921
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Picture of Terminus
24.491 19.921
(You save 4.570)
Inside Up Games
Action Drafting Connections End Game Bonuses Grid Coverage Grid Movement Income Market Network and Route Building Open Drafting Point to Point Movement Resource to Move Rondel Tile Placement Turn Order: Pass Order Variable Set-up Worker Placement
2 - 5
90 - 180minutes
Earl Aspiras Tom Volpe

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Your transit company has been hired to construct subway tunnels and stops, connecting the districts of the city. Will your project stay on track, or will it go off the rails?

Terminus is a resource management and subway development game for 1 - 5 players, featuring a rondel and variable marketplace.

During the game, players will circle the city taking actions to:

-Purchase developments, upgrades, and materials
-Lobby Projects and Agendas
-And build stops and rails for their subway lines

While the economy shifts and resources become more scarce, players must try to outwit each other and earn prestige by fulfilling public project objectives and their own private agendas.

The player who's earned the most prestige wins the game!