Star Trek: Ascendancy - Romulan Starbase

$64.850,28 $47.081,30
(You save $17.768,98)
Picture of Star Trek: Ascendancy - Romulan Starbase game
$64.850,28 $47.081,30
(You save $17.768,98)
Gale Force Nine
Action Point Allowance,Area Impulse,Trading,Variable Phase Order,Variable Player Powers
180 - 210 minutes
Katie Dillon,Charles Woods
Aaron Dill,John Kovaleski,Sean Sweigart
Star Trek: Ascendancy

Upgrade your Star Trek: Ascendancy game with these handmade resin Starbases. Each one is unique to its race and looks distinctive on the board. Each pack comes with three Starbases so you can have a complete set.