Onitama: Light and Shadow

₫539.610,06 ₫410.038,86
(You save ₫129.571,20)
Picture of Onitama: Light and Shadow game
₫539.610,06 ₫410.038,86
(You save ₫129.571,20)
Arcane Wonders
Grid Movement
15 - 20 minutes
Shimpei Sato

The third expansion for Onitama, Light and Shadow offers a new way to explore the elegant and simple game of martial tactics by introducing a new type of pawn: the Ninja! Unlike other pawns, the Ninja moves secretly, hidden from your opponent's view until they are ready to strike...

There are two ways to play Light and Shadow:

- Way of the Shadow is a symmetrical game in which each player deploys their own Ninja.

- Way of the Light is an asymmetrical game that pits one Ninja player against a traditional Onitama Master and Students player.