Jewels For The Emperor Penguin

K164.16 K131.32
(You save K32.84)
Picture of Jewels For The Emperor Penguin
K164.16 K131.32
(You save K32.84)
Shane F. F. Carr
Chaining Dice Rolling Different Dice Movement Hexagon Grid Pieces as Map Set Collection
2 - 5
30 - 45 minutes

The Emperor Penguin looooves jewelry! In Jewels for the Emperor Penguin, each player takes charge of a five-member penguin guild that must scale the icy walls of the Valley of the Emperor Penguin, gathering gems — emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds — and making advantageous exchanges to acquire the specific gem-recipes needed to claim objective cards that represent the fantastic jewelry the Emperor Penguin covets.