Holotype: Crurotarsi Expansion

$34.370,65 $28.058,55
(You save $6.312,09)
Picture of Holotype: Crurotarsi Expansion
$34.370,65 $28.058,55
(You save $6.312,09)
Brett Harrison Lex Terenchin
End Game Bonuses Worker Placement, Different Worker Types
2 - 5
40 - 120 minutes

This is an expansion for Holotype: Mesozoic North America. Game play does not change, but new cards are added to the base game, including:

8 unique Crurotarsi specimen cards
6 new Field Expedition cards
12 new Bone Bed cards
17 new Global Objectives cards - includes new 2-3 player cards
2 new Personal Objectives
1 new Milestone Achievement