Escape from New York - Bands of New York

$21.99 $17.49
(You save $4.50)
Picture of Escape from New York - Bands of New York
$21.99 $17.49
(You save $4.50)
Pendragon Game Studio Matagot
Deck Construction Hand Management Semi-Cooperative Game Take That Tile Placement
5th additional player
40 - 90 minutes
Kevin Wilson

This expansion introduces the 5th player who will take the role of the bands of New York, fighting and hindering the Heroes during their missions.

This expansion let you to play 1,2,3 or 4 Heroes vs a player who manages New York bands!
3x Boss miniatures: The Duke, Slag, Romero;
1x New York player board;
4x New York Action cards;
3x New York Special Action cards;
1x New York player aid card;
6x Mission cards
3x plastic rings